Saturday 30 June 2007

Face Up

So many issues and so many opportunities to face up to them, yet are these opportunities ever taken?

So often lately I have found that when issues arise there are frequent opportunities for them to be resolved or at least discussed and processed, sometimes even just voiced. However more often than not these issues are left as issues and are not discussed or given the time needed for them. Issues within relationships are so delicate and I understand that it is very hard for them to be faced and discussed with the other person involved, however for a truly healthy relationship, issues need to be heard and faced up to.

There are so many negative consequences that occur when issues aren't faced up to. Some consequences that occur include the fact that issues are sometimes transformed into gossip. As I have written before, gossip is bad and something that many people live off, which is so sad. In a church setting the issues that occur can be passed so quickly around the church and can be even more damaging to relationships, especially if they get to the person they are about.
Other consequences which occur include the fact that issues are sometimes passed onto other people. Many people hold the many issues, to which people have trusted them with. It is often too heavy to bare the load of issues that are occurring between friends and can in turn be damaging to the person who has been trusted with the issues. These people often get involved without wanting to and it is so bad to put that burden on someone else and even make them feel apart of the issue occurring.
The obvious consequence is that for you. You are not facing up to your issue, something that is affecting you and creating you to be upset. The only person that can fix the problem is you and until you face up to the issue it is not going to fade away or be fixed, it is a burden that you are going to carry, until the day it is resolved, which could be never. I don't want to hear crap about people compressing it because from experience, you are going to crack and have an explosion. Literally a break down where you cannot cope with anything anymore and something little sets it off.

Now onto the positives in facing up to issues and discussing them with the people or person involved. There are so many wonderful occurrences when you face up to issues and of late I have had the privilege to be able to reap the many benefits.
When you face up to the problems and issues, you are given an opportunity to speak and discuss the issues with the person or people involved. Chances are that that person or people have issues with you and therefore you can wrestle with them together and maybe come to a resolution that all parties are happy with. In facing up to these issues, that weight that you felt with this issue lurching over you, is shed off and seriously when you have voiced the issue, a whole heap of burden is relieved. It is one of the best feelings to have an issue out in the open, not in the form of gossip, which sometimes makes you angrier, but through intentional discussion.
Another positive of facing up to issues is the calming effect that it creates within group situations. Issues normally put people and groups on the edge and within a friendship group this is the last thing anyone wants. With this issue out in the open, it is beneficial for all, especially if you have asked for advice from other people, confiding in other people with your issue.
I could seriously go on forever on how good it is to face up to issues and get them out in the open, but I will bore you and continue to repeat my sentiment of the fact that facing up to issues is beneficial and should be happening for people.

Too often we slide right past confrontation of issues and make other people think that everything is smooth sailing. However for everyone to be truly happy, I believe that confrontation is the key for a happy and successful relationship with anyone. Many of the confrontations I have had of late with friends and parents have been so beneficial for the relationship. This confrontation has made the relationship stronger and the level of trust has increased. I am a true believer in confrontation and I am continuing in confronting a lot of my issues, because so far I have felt a lot lighter and more free because I have voiced my issues.
It has made me so angry of late when people instead of going to the heart of the issue, skirt around it and sometimes tell everyone else or put it on the already burdened shoulders of others, and in turn aren't confronting their issues and endeavouring to resolve it.

Until you get out there and confront some of your issues, discussing and wrestling with them, you will never feel the utter pleasure of having weight baring issues shed away from your life. Do not make me angry anymore discuss your issues, cause confrontation and take the opportunity to confide in someone to talk through the issues in your life.


B.C. said...

Facing up is scary. There are times when we all don't do it, you and me included. But when you do find the courage to confront a certain situation in the right way, it feels great afterwards.

I'm tired Loz. People talking to me about their problems doesn't burden me (I love that people can trust me, and I can be there for them), but knowing that they won't do anything about them, does. If it's not theirs to fix, fair enough, but if there is a part they can play, I always want to ask why they don't. That said, I know there is definately a part I can play in some of the conflicts in my life, that I haven't taken yet either. As said before, it's scary. I find myself lacking in courage with these issues a lot.

I know everything can't be happy all the time. There will always be problems. I just wish that we would all do what needs to be done to help solve them, so as not to create super extra drama.

This was a brave blog. Well done.

Kyla said...

That was amazing Lauren! I just want to thank you for that blog, because I'v been starting to face up to a lot of issues for the first time this year and sometimes I feel fantastic afterwards and sometimes I feel a million times worse and this just encouraged me to keep facing up to things because in the long run it will be better.

I think it's amazing when people can confront issues in themselves and others, it seems really brave to me as my natural instinct is to not tell anyone, barely admit it to myself and pretend everything's fine.

Thanks again for this. I needed another wake up call! xx

Kiffa said...

i just had time to read it. good good. i think it all depends on the issue though, but to be able to discern whether a issue is worth confronting and being too shy to confront if needed can greatly affect the outcome. Confusing. What i mean is, to be able to not shy away from an issue is good, because if this issue does warrant a good confrontation, you wont be deterred because your shy...= not being worried about the confrontation is good.
That is really just a lot of words thrown hope you understood guys.

love you all.

....i really should change my name....

Jono said...

I understand how facing up to problems can be hard in many ways. But often the only way to resolve an issue is to face up to it. ON the other hand, facing up could produce a negative result, which is also why people woulkd refrain from doing so, that is, in fear of that negative result, whateevr it is. I think it is important to understand that while there are good things about facing up, and bad things about not facing up, there are also good things about not facing up and bad things baout facing up, which make facing up all that much harder. Hmm.
Does this make sense? Yes. Yes, it does.