Wednesday 1 August 2007

God - my views

I just got challenged while speaking to a friend of mine from school, about writing a blog about God. He was intersted in reading my views on faith and God. My friend from school, Vinnie, is not a Christian, however has always been fascinated with my faith, especially when I did the Vetamorphus readings and also hearing about the things I was doing in Texts and Traditions, which is a subject studying John's Gospel. He and I have known one another since Prep, so are long time friends and I often loved sharing with him about my faith at school, because he seemed so excited about it.

Vinnie asked me this question...
Is it important to have a faith?
I was talking at Schoolies to a friend, Claire, who is atheist, therefore doesn't believe in anything. I was telling her that I was a Christian, so we started chatting about it. I said to her that it is sometimes hard to be a Christian as people often see you as weird and associate you with the evangelising stereotype. I also said that it is often hard to stand up and have confidence, especially in a school setting, when it comes to telling people that you are a Christian. Claire responded telling me that it was a lot harder being an atheist because you don't have a purpose in life, you are not living for something, something that is greater than you. She also told me that when you die, you just die, being an atheist is far more depressing because when you die, you have nothing to look forward to, for Christians there is heaven. This was really affirming of my faith.
So now using the story from above and kind of contradicting myself a little, I have to say that in some respects it is not that important to have a faith, however if you take the side that Claire took, it is important to have a faith. I have a faith because I was firstly brought to a church when I was younger, however I moved to owning it myself. I now own it because it gives my life depth, purpose and meaning. I have love for God and I wouldn't want my life any other way. However there are people who it isn't important for. If you live your life decently, with morals and values, similar to those that Christians live there lives by, I don't think it is important for you to have a faith to back it up. As a Christian, you are given an abundance of blessings in life and amazing riches when your life ends in heaven. You have a support of unconditional love from God, He is neverfaultering and unchanging in His love. He will continue to love those that don't have a faith, but ultimately it is a life choice and one that I have made because I think it is right. However it is not important for everyone to live a Christian life. It is great having something to believe in and live my life for. At the end of the day, God loves everyone and I know I can always turn to him in times when I need comfort or when I want to thank Him for a blessing that He has given me.

For me it is important to have a faith, however living a life with faith for other people isn't important. I just know that I have something to live for and give my life meaning. If you feel that it is important to live a life with purpose and meaning, living a life for something far greater than you, than I think it is important to have a faith. However, if you don't think it is important just remember to live your life decently with good morals and values, God will love you no matter what.

Well these are my views as a Christian or a section of them, it is hard to put my faith into words. There are so many differing views and beliefs, which is important, as it can strengthen what you believe, challenge you and continue your faith growth and journey. I know I am on a never ending journey with my faith, but it is something I am excited and passionate about. A lot of what I have said can constitue as being such Sunday School answers to faith, but I am so genuine about it all.
I hope this satisfies what Vinnie was after when challenging me to write this blog, however I was glad I did it. God is why I live and what I am living for, so it is a very important aspect of my life.


B.C. said...

It's really affirming to see someone able to articulate some of what they believe. It helps me think about what I believe too.

With Claire, does she believe in Heaven? OR that Christians will go to Heaven becaues they are Christians? Atheists have purpose in life, and live for great things too. And with Heaven, I don't think the reward is why you or I or lots of Christians actually choose to believe.

I always wonder if we would have made the choice to believe, had you and I not been at the church from birth. Sometimes I see those who have come to the church of their own accord, and they seem much stronger in their faith than I. But it isn't my place to judge where they are at, as written on Digger's recent blog. It's only my concern what I am doing to serve God.

Good blog.

Jono said...

I agree with much of what you have said. Although you did mention that it is not important for some people to have a faith. There is something in me that doesn't seem to fully agree with that.
I hate it how some Christians want to 'convert' the world, and 'save' people. (My goodness, I hate the word 'saved' used in this context.) But, at the same time, I think it is our duty to at least share what we know of God and Christianity to others, and not be like: "I have this, and you don't and I am better." This attitude also annoys me. I am in no way suggesting that you have this attitude, the opposite, actually. It is fantastic that you are sharing your faith with otehrs, and even doing so by writing this blog post. What I am saying is that, as a consequence, if we want to share our faith, and gives others the opportunity to experience it, isn;t it a ood thing that we would lvoe for other people to have. I am fairly sure God would love people to recognise him, and love him back, as well as them living a good life, ebvenm though he would love them no matter what they did.
As I am writing this, I am slowly forgetting what I started out trying to say. Hmmm. I guess I am saying that to say that having a faith is "not important" to some people is hard for me to grapple with, as it a thing, which to me, is of paramount importance, and is a thing that discriminates against nobody. Just like God's love.
I hope all that makes sense, and expresses my actual view. I did not read over what I wrote, because I just... don't read over things! Oh well.
Wow, I think that was a long comment. Up there with my longest ones. Maybe. Or maybe not.


Jono said...

Wow, I think I sounded rally harsh an opposing what you said in that comment. I am not.
I think everything you wrote was great! 'Twas an awesome blog. Sorry if that comment sounded a bit harsh. It was just a little thing I picked up on when reading the post, and thought I would mention in my comment.

Lauren Pinches said...

Ben: I think Claire believes in Heaven, as you recognized that it exsisted when I spoke to her. I am not in anyway saying that atheists don't have a purpose, she however believed that she had no purpose as an atheist. I believe that Heaven is a reward, yet it is not my main reason for faith, as you suggested. I question all the time whether I would have been brought to the church if I had not been forced to get up every sunday to go to church.

Jono: Your comment wasn't harsh at all. I knew when I wrote this Blog that there would be people agreeing and some people disagreeing. There are things within faith that some agree on and others don't and I think that is good, it continues to challenge us and make us think, in hope that we are strengthened.
For me, personally, faith is important and is a huge part of my life. I am continually sharing my faith, but I am never going to tell people to come to faith because it is important for them. The importance for me is great and it is okay if people do not see this. If I in some way bring people to faith in God, that is a bonus, but I am never going to force faith down there throat aka Bible bashing. So I am agreeing with you that faith is important, however others they will not see the same level of importance and at the emd of the day, I think that is okay. For now I will continue to share my faith, living by God and taking every opportunity to share my faith.

Jono said...

I by no means meant that shoving faith down peoples throats, or even telling people to come to faith is a good thing. I think forcing that on people is bad. I agree there.
I think it is good, though, that there are things for people to disagree with, as it means that you have put stuff out there that is possibly controversdial, and also it gives you stuff to think about. This post mader me think about how I consider the importance of faith to people who do not have it, in a different sort of way, which is good, as I havn;t really ever thought about that before. Thankyou for blog.