Friday, 20 July 2007


Well I am going to follow suit and write a blog about Jono, as he wrote one about me. That is quite cool that my name is the title for a blog. I was, a few days before Jono's blog was published, thinking about writing a blog about our relationship thus far, however Jono beat me to the chase.

Alright this is the story of the build up and the relationship so far for Jono and I...

It was a lovely May weekend in Phillip Island where the connection for Jono and Lauren started. As you do in Primary School, Jono and Lauren competed and bagged one another, eventually winning the affection of each other. They continually had arguements about who was the best at Tobogganing, Water Slide racing and various other activities. One night at Phillip Island they were having an honesty circle where Jono admitted to having feelings for someone, however as that special someone was in the room, ie. Lauren, he couldn't inform anyone of this information. Since that night the forces of Meagan Wilson and many other people within the church continued to try and unscrabble the mysteries of Jono's affection for Lauren. With the shear talent and abilty of Jono's SDM acting, he never allowed them to find out this information, until the last few weeks before the relationship started.
Jono kept to a promise that he had made to one amazing Kyla Fullerton, by informing her of who he liked. Jono confided in this amazing girl and through her integrity as a person, Kyla kept this gigantic secret from all those that surrounded her.
Weeks went on and it become increasingly obvious to Lauren as to the feelings of Jono. Lauren and Jono were in contact everyday, having the awesome Blob game as an excuse. The affection for one another came to an almighty climax, when Lauren could do no other than confront Jono about the suspicions. About 3 weeks ago, Jono and Lauren sat up on the phone talking about one anothers feelings and a whole bunch of other stuff till 4:30am. It was an epic phone conversation, but it was resolved that for the moment they couldn't date and it was agreed that there could be no awkwardness between them. The reasoning behind them not dating, then and there, was the reservations from Lauren. There were some complicating issues which surrounded the situation, one of which was the fact that Lauren is a Youth Group Leader of Jono.
Well holidays were upon the two of them and as they were separated for a week, the force of their affections became way too much to handle. Lauren planned a meeting with the audacious Youth Minister, Simon Albury, as to clarify whether the realtionship could occur between Lauren and Jono. As Jono and Lauren were peers, before Lauren was in a leadership position, Simon gave it the two thumbs up, however he said that he had to seek some confirmation from a person higher up then him. This created an awkward moment, as that person was none other than Russell Croxford, the father of Jono. Both Russell and Simon said that it was ok, however having Russell know of the connection between Jono and Lauren, it created some awkward moments at home.
Well the following Tuesday, Lauren updated Jono on the situation and placed the decision on him as to whether they were to embark on a relationship with one another. It came to Wednesday night, at Jono's house for a sleepover with Ben Chong, Kelly Styles and Jayson Vella, where Lauren and Jono were having great difficulty sleeping, as they were thinking about one another. Lauren decided that it had to happen that night, otherwise neither of them would sleep, so they went and talked at 4:30am in the Croxford's garage. It was there decided after many analogies and laughs that Jono and Lauren were to date.

It has now been a week of Jono and I going out. We are both very happy and are continually in contact with one another, taking every opportunity to talk or hang out. It is very hard having Jono in Year 12 and me being in Uni, as I have to think about how long I am on the phone or hanging out with Jono. I wish it were holidays again, as I wouldn't have to think about it as much. Jono and I have now been on about three dates and are meeting up today for about an hour. We have our first Youth Group together tonight and it will be interesting to see how that goes.
So ends my amazing story of Jono and Lauren and their relationship, which we hope will conitnue for a lot longer.


Jono said...

Wow, this post says it was posted at 11:11pm. That is quite clearly the greatest timing I have ever seen in my life.
It is very cool being able to comment on a blog that is named "Jono". Especially considering that my name is also Jono, and that I have a suspicion that this blog was about me. Awesome.
This story all sounds very interesting, and I am so glad that I was a part of it. I, too, hope that this story can progress into a much longer story. Like a novel. Novels are fun.
Now, you have beaten my "Lauren" blog by making yours longer. Hmm. I shall have to combat this somehow, at some stage in the future. But considering I am at school right now, and should be heading off to another class fairly soon, I shall not try just now. I will see you soon, Lauren. And you shall see me. Unless you have gone blind in the last seven hours. Have you? I didn't think so. Awesome.



B.C. said...

Great to see you both so happy. Question: Is it the right way to write about some of the people mentioned?

While it might be true, it may also not be necessary? I don't know.

Kyla said...

Haha, thanks for that fantastic mention in your blog, Lauren! I am thrilled to be a partof the story.. I'm so happy for you too! I was so excited on Sunday when I found out you were together, I think you make a great couple.

Lauren Pinches said...

Ben: I believe that all the people in this blog were mentioned appropriately. I have reread this blog and think that the way I have spoken about the people involved was fine. If you think that someone was written about wrongly, please let me know, as from where I see it, it is a great blog and something from my heart at the moment and put in a clever way, through a story.
Thank you however for being conscience of people and also reading my blog.