Friday, 17 August 2007


Uni...where to start? I actually really enjoy Uni. I have a great group of friends there, who I get along with really well. I love most of my subjects, this is not including 'The Physical Environment', mainly because my lecturer makes me fall asleep and we have practicals where we have to study rocks for three hours.
I enjoy going to Uni so much, even more now that I have my license and can be home in 20 minutes or get to Uni in 20 minutes. However lately I am not going, I have been really unwell and for some reason I cannot find motivation to go to my letures or tutes. I feel really bad because I am missing so much Uni. I love it when I am there, yet I am only going in twice a week. I go on Wednesdays and Fridays. Monday, I have one lecture for Maths and it is easy, so I don't go to that, Tuesday, I don't have anything and Thursday, I have two lectures, but they are so boring that I don't go. Therefore I am at Uni twice a week and I have a friend in every class and lecture, it is fantastic.

I really don't have much to say about Uni, I just felt like writing about it, as it is a big part of my life. At the start of the year, I was so apprehensive about going as I had never had to change schools, so I wasn't use to making new friends and I didn't know how I would cope in a new environment. However, everyone, especially in Education, are so nice and welcoming. Being in second year Uni will be weird next year, I will feel so old, I don't want to grow up. Speaking of which, I am going to be 19 years old in about three weeks time, yuck, I want to be like Peter Pan and never grow old.

Well I have my day off from Uni today and so I can do whatever I like, I have done all my Uni work for the week, now I better go get some other Uni stuff organised or maybe start looking at my next assignments, do things in advance, what an idea, instead of leaving it to the night before...I take that back, leaving assignments to the night before is my way of doing things, they may not be quality, yet I get them over and done with, even if there is great stress. Yesterday I handed an assignment in two minutes before the office was going to close, it was a close call. I felt very fulfilled handing it in, however I felt like crap at the same time, because I knew what I had handed in was crap. It is done now and I cannot take it back. On a happier note, I had an online test today for Maths. I had to answer 30 Mulitple Choice Questions and I got 84%, which I am so happy about.
Well I am off to Uni tomorrow and I plan on staying all day and I will probably enjoy it as I have two close friends, Courtney and Jess, with me all day.


B.C. said...

Next time you hand in an assignment, camp out in the place you hand it in, and wait for them to start closing, then do a commando roll in and throw it dramatically through the chute/at the person at the front desk.

I hadn't even thought about birthdays being soon. I'll be 19 before you. so. poop to you.

Jono said...

Leaving stuff 'till the last minute is almost as exciting as eating carrot cake while riding a roller coaster. Or is it? You decide.
Uni sounds fun. I want Uni, but I don;t want to lock myself into any sort of specific course, so I am avoiding thinking about it. And no, Ben, I do not like the sound of doing arts. I don;t know why. Maybe because I have never considered it.
Satellite Dish.